By: Josh Alb

Although cannabis is known for inducing a psychoactive effect, this effect is only a specific cannabinoid interaction with your body. That cannabinoid is THC. There are a myriad of other cannabinoids that do not induce a psychoactive effect and are not so well known. One of those cannabinoids is cannabidiol or CBD. As of recently CBD has shown great potential to be a viable alternative to certain pharmaceuticals. Most notably it has opened up the door for a viable treatment to epileptic seizures in children. So, what is CBD?

What is CBD?

A small molecule with large potential

CBD is similar to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in the sense that they both have the same empirical formula - meaning they are comprised of the same number of elements. The only difference is the bonds that are formed which give each their unique shape and thus their unique effects. CBD is produced in the cannabis plant which categorizes it as a phytocannabinoid.

2D structure of CBD via pubchem.

How does CBD work?

It takes the car and puts in neutral.

The way a molecule can act with a protein receptor can be compared to driving a car. Similar to the three different modes of movement, molecules have three different ways of binding to protein receptors. These interactions are agonist, inverse agonist, and antagonist. Agonist interaction is comparable to putting a car in drive - turning the protein receptor on. Inverse agonist interaction is comparable to reverse - acting in the opposite way of an agonist. Antagonist interaction is comparable to putting the car in neutral - not letting any forward or reverse movement. This effectively inhibits any interaction from other molecules to the protein.

CBD is an antagonist by definition. This means that when it binds to the receptor it produces the unique biological response of inhibiting any interaction with that receptor. It can be thought of as being a blockade because of the unique “Y” shape that it forms. This shape inhibits any other interaction with the active site of the receptor. This explains why when CBD interacts with your body, you do not experience the psychotropic effect or “high” that is associated with THC. This confirmation can be shown below:

CBD bound to the CB1 receptor. The pink sticks are CBD itself, the blue pocket is the protein pocket that is formed, and the grey sticks are the surrounding amino acids.

What can CBD treat?

More than you probably think.

The potential therapeutic uses of CBD are still being uncovered. The CBD buzz really began because modern research shows that CBD can effectively treat epileptic seizures in children. CBD also has the potential to treat:

The unique cannabinoid is currently being looked at in the possible treatment of even chronic traumatic encephalopathy or CTE for short. More research is needed in order to fully understand what other benefits CBD could potentially hold.

Image above is CBD medicine offered by Alta California Botanicals.

Are there any negative side effects of CBD?

As we understand currently there are few.

Every substance does carry side effects and it’s important to recognize them. CBD may not generate a psychoactive “high” but still does cause a change in mental state. The molecule has shown to induce some side effects including but are not limited to;

  • Nausea

  • Dizziness

  • Changes in appetite

Other possible side effects come from the molecule being biphasic if overindulged. This can include inducing anxiety, stress, and headaches in users. It is important to fully understand what you are taking beforehand and hopefully this provides some clarity

Is CBD for me?


The molecule holds so much potential for the treatment of diseases and disorders. Keep in mind that not every drug is for every person. The best option is to consult a physician to examine if CBD is right for you. Many people have reported that CBD is what has helped them treat their ailments and feel passionately towards its benefits. Recently, a generic form of CBD called Epidiolex was just legalized by the Food and Drug Administration for consumption. This will provide new avenues for consumers to obtain their medicine. If you feel that you have tried it all and are looking for a viable solution, CBD might be right for you!